Viktor Yanukovych - An eggs-quisite welcome in Ivano-Frankivsk!!!!

On Friday, September 24 morning Prime Minister and one of the two chief contenders for the nation's supreme post Viktor Yanukovych was injured in a eggs-quisite welcome to Ivano-Frankivsk.

According to the Premier's press secretary Hanna German, when Viktor Yanukovych was approaching the Vasyl Stefanyk Transcarpathian University he was met by a group of members of the Ivano-Frankivk Babushka Egg Association (IFBEA).

Their behaviour was so aggressive that the Premier's guards had to defend him.  You know how aggressive Ukrainian babushky can become!!!!

A hard object, which someone hurled, hit and injured Viktor Yanukovych, was reported.  Well this must have been a wooden Ukrainian egg.  This custom is held for extra ordinary guests only.

The babushka was promptly arrested.  She denies any wrong doing.

The Egg Head of Government was rushed to a hospital, feeling a bit happy.  For the longest time this so-called premier was confused what nationality he truly belonged to, Russian or Ukrainian???  On the way to hospital, he was uttering something along the line of wanting to kill Victor Yushchenko. (This unfortunately was not recorded on tape).  He was saying that it was not fair that Yushchenko to havebeen flown to Vienna for treatment, while he had to remain in western-Ukraine %$&@*$^***66*.

His life and health were said not to be in danger.  But a little bump on the egg-head was noticed.

This incident happened after an attempt on rival Victor Yushchenko alleged attempt to poison him. earlier on this week.

The deputy head of the Ukrainian presidential administration denied any wrong doing.

"Let Zinchenko taste the food which is brought to Yushchenko," Vasyl Baziv was quoted as saying by Tribuna newspaper's website.

"That's what leaders did in the Middle Ages.

"I would recommend him to drink a hundred grams of vodka. If he had drunk that nothing would be wrong with him."

What intelectual recomendation can Vasyl Baziv now give to the Prime Minister?

Below is what the Government of Ukraine portal said what happened.  Who are we going to believe?

Viktor Yanukovych injured in hooliganism attack in Ivano-Frankivsk

On Friday, September 24 morning Prime Minister and one of the two chief contenders for the nation's supreme post Viktor Yanukovych was injured in a hooliganism attack.

According to the Premier's press secretary Hanna German, when Viktor Yanukovych was approaching the Vasyl Stefanyk Transcarpathian University he was met by a group of radical opposition members.

Their behavior was so aggressive that the Premier's guards had to defend him.

A hard object, which a man hurled, hit and injured Viktor Yanukovych.

The man was promptly arrested.

The Head of Government was rushed to a hospital.

His life and health were said as not in danger.